Joe’s youth was initially off-putting but his eagerness to see real change and his genuine insight quickly ended our hesitation. [He] was able to clarify the health care transformation process and help us develop a clear transformation strategy.
— Bruce Bellamy, MD (Past Chair, Primary Transformation Committee @ Saint Luke's Primary Care Group)

Strategic Adviser Service

Retain the Grundy Consulting team to experience the true magic of health care innovation. Our Strategic Adviser Service provides you and your organization full support in making the Next Big Thing in primary care innovation. Our work with other innovative stakeholders includes: co-developing new services or products, clarifying their messaging to resonate with the primary care physician community, and supporting their efforts to become recognized thought leaders in the US health industry. So, how can we move you to the next level?



  • An entrepreneur ready to launch your new health care innovation product or service platform, or take your existing offering to the next level.

  • A visionary, goal-getter who happens to be a Consultant, CEO, or Community Builder looking to position yourself as a thought leader in the health care transformation arena.

  • A healthcare purchaser on the hook for the actual cost of care looking to explore effective alternatives to traditional BUCAH plans.

  • An innovative plan carrier actively exploring truly value-based plan designs for your purchasing clients.

  • Willing to do the work to understand the health care industry in order to identify your Ideal Client and design messaging that reaches that tailored audience.


This is not us doing it all for you, but rather us serving as your expert guides on this journey through the health care innovation landscape, whether you are developing your product or service or trying to engage your internal organizational audience. Working together we will change health care delivery and help end the tyranny of the 15-minute doctor visit. One step—one innovation—at a time.


To give you an idea of how others have used a retainer service…

Developing the right industry relations

We connect you with the right stakeholders across health care to develop the relationships that will foster your organization’s growth. We do this by discerning the people and forums where interests converge; the intersections where you should be investing time and resources.

Representation and advocacy

We speak on your behalf across the movement to transform health care in the US. We leverage our connections to discreetly position you as a rising leader within the crowded field of people naming themselves health care “thought leaders”.


We will guide you in developing an effective framework for accomplishing your objectives, from establishing your thought leadership to developing a new product to meet the need of primary care doctors, we will navigate the inter-organizational rapids that require adept handling of disparate interests and position you for success.

Product/Service Innovation

You have an amazing idea, but it hasn’t quite percolated into an effective concept. Together, we will transmute that idea into reality. From ideation to deployment, we will make sure your new offering is poised to make a significant impact across the industry.


Move to the next level!

Monthly Investment for Strategic Adviser at $300/hour.*


Grundy Consulting operates off of simple, 5-hour/month blocks giving you the flexibility to adjust just the time you need with us from month-to-month. You decide how many blocks a month you need to address the specific objectives you are working on. Note, new Strategic Adviser relationships come with an initial 3-month commitment.

(Why do we list our prices upfront & transparently?)The intentionally opaque and secretive nature of pricing in our industry is a root cause of the current failed state of US health system. So, really, why would we ever hide our prices from you?